Setelah lebih dari 100 tahun pengalaman dan melakukan perubahan mengikuti perkembangan zaman, perusahaan telah beradaptasi menuju kesempurnaan untuk setiap stakeholder. PTT Lubricants mendapatkan reputasi skala global dan menjadi brand tingkat international dikenal sebagai No.1 Pelumas di Thailand selama 10 tahun berturut turut. 

Dengan moto the moving innovation kami pegang teguh dengan bangga di setiap langkah yang kami arahkan untuk mencapai visi perusahaan kami “dari no.1 di Thailand menjadi brand tingkat international”. Tiga point utama yang kami pegang tinggi setiap saat yaitu : Tradisi, etika bisnis dan rasa hormat. Setiap personil di PTT Lubricants bergerak ke satu arah dan membawa bendera perusahaan menjadi nilai Pribadi, menciptakan kemungkinan yang tidak terbatas dengan ide di setiap individu. 

Brand diciptakan oleh setiap individu yang memberikan ide, cara berpikir kreatif dan bekerja secara produktif sesuai dengan kapasitas masing masing, memberikan kepuasan pelanggan yang berakhir kepada hubungan usaha jangka panjang.

Kirim aplikasi CV anda melalui email:

Lowongan Terbaru

Job Description
  • Direct planning, promotion, devise strategies sales tactics achieve profit objective & expand sales margin/volume.
  • Establish Commercial segment sales added value (customer focused) well ensure that customers satisfied product service given.
  • Among other include analysis, pricing, marketing strategy, penetration, promotion, customer service, control billing & managing sales back office team delivering products.
  • Building partnership and best relationship with Commercial Customer and their sub account.


Job requirement
  • Bachelor’s degree in Management/Communication/Mechanical Engineering.
  • At least 2 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Candidate with B2B or B2C experience and existing contacts / network in the relevant fields will be an advantage.
  • Responsible, organized, self-motivated and detail oriented.
Job Description
  • Direct planning, promotion, devise strategies sales tactics achieve profit objective & expand sales margin/volume.
  • Establish Commercial segment sales added value (customer focused) well ensure that customers satisfied product service given.
  • Among other include analysis, pricing, marketing strategy, penetration, promotion, customer service, control billing & managing sales back office team delivering products.
  • Building partnership and best relationship with Commercial Customer and their sub account.


Job requirement
  • Bachelor’s degree in Management/Communication/Mechanical Engineering.
  • At least 2 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Candidate with B2B or B2C experience and existing contacts / network in the relevant fields will be an advantage.
  • Responsible, organized, self-motivated and detail oriented.
